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fatal: error when closing sha1 file: Input/output error



What do I do about this?

git push
Counting objects: 30, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), done.
fatal: error when closing sha1 file: Input/output error
error: pack-objects died of signal 13
error: failed to push some refs to '...'

I tried the following from answers to a similar question

git repack
git prune
git gc --aggressive

Nothing helps. The remote is a mounted AFS filesystem, I have been pushing to it without incident for a couple years. I am not anywhere near quota, and I have permission (I can touch a file on this filesystem without problem). Git version

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Liam Avatar asked May 11 '12 03:05


2 Answers

This is result of disk quota exceeded. I got same error without additional explanation. I then noticed that my disk quota was exceeded. After freeing some disk space, i was able to perform the original git action.

PS: In my case, the error condition prevent any change in the local git repository. I was not able to do any of add/commit/push/gc (all gave above sha1 file error).

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avner Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 04:11


Apparently this was, as indicated in the comment, a problem with the remote file server. After waiting a while, I was able to push without incident.

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Liam Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11
