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Fatal Error - 'Mongo' class not found

I'm trying to execute this:


// connect
$m = new Mongo();


But I get the following error:

Fatal error: Class 'Mongo' not found in C:\wamp\www.....


  • PHP: 5.38
  • MongoDB: mongodb-win32-i386-2.0.2
  • MongoDB PHP Driver: mongo-1.1.4-php5.3vc6ts
  • WampServer: 2.2
  • OS: Windows 7 Enterprise SP1

I've followed the MongoDB installation fine (incl. adding the DLL to ext & php.ini), I've started mongod.exe and WAMP is running.

What does this imply is missing/incorrect?


I have got it running on another Windows 7 machine (Windows 7 Profressional). That got me curious. So now my Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 machine has the same http.conf, php.ini, C:\wamp\bin\mongodb contents (therefore DBs are the exact same) and the exact same batch file to start mongod.exe as my Win7 Professional machine.

But still, all I can do on my Win7 Enterprise SP1 machine is connect via command line. My Win7 Professional machine's phpinfo() contains:
Mongo section in php.ini My Win7 Enterprise SP1 machine doesn't contain any reference to MongoDB.

The contents of the batch file I use to start MongoDB:

"C:\wamp\bin\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe" --logpath "C:\wamp\bin\mongodb\logs\error.log" --logappend --dbpath "C:\wamp\bin\mongodb\data\db" --directoryperdb --service
Net Start "MongoDB"
like image 818
Adam Lynch Avatar asked Jan 19 '12 13:01

Adam Lynch

2 Answers

The problem was the PHP driver (php_mongo.dll). Apache/WAMP just did not like the mongo-1.1.4-php5.3vc6ts version for some reason. My Windows 7 Professional machine had the mongo-1.2.5-php5.3vc9ts version. That was the only difference between the two machines.

I originally had been using the mongo-1.2.5-php5.3vc9ts version of the driver on the Windows 7 Enterprise machine but changed to the mongo-1.1.4-php5.3vc6tsversion when I was troubleshooting the problem. So the original problem could actually just have been that the database path data\db didn't exist/couldn't be found (and needed to be specified using --dbpath when running/starting mongod.exe).

like image 131
Adam Lynch Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10

Adam Lynch

If this problem exist in php CLI you should add extension=mongo.so to your /etc/php5/cli/php.ini file

like image 30
Sina Miandashti Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 20:10

Sina Miandashti