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Fatal error: Cannot redeclare __() (previously declared in D:\wamp\apps\phpMyAdmin\libraries\sql-parser\src\common.php:17)



I was working with PMA as always but today PMA freezes when I tried a simple request. So I tried to reload the browser (Chrome), but now I can't access anymore to PMA due to the following error :

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare __() (previously declared in D:\wamp\apps\phpMyAdmin\libraries\sql-parser\src\common.php:17) in D:\wamp\apps\phpMyAdmin\libraries\php-gettext\gettext.inc on line 290

Then after I have erased all cookies, I met this error :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function PMA\libraries\PMA_langSet() in D:\wamp\apps\phpMyAdmin\libraries\Config.php on line 1021

I tried to force to reload too, tried to download again PMA from the official website and to replace files in PMA's directory but the the error is still here.

I don't know what to do now.

like image 421
MrSo Avatar asked Apr 01 '16 09:04


1 Answers

Delete all session cookies seems to correct the error. Hope it helps.

like image 109
MrSo Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09
