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Fastest way to implode an associative array with keys

People also ask

Does In_array work for associative array?

in_array() function is utilized to determine if specific value exists in an array. It works fine for one dimensional numeric and associative arrays.

How do you implode an array?

The implode() is a builtin function in PHP and is used to join the elements of an array. implode() is an alias for PHP | join() function and works exactly same as that of join() function. If we have an array of elements, we can use the implode() function to join them all to form one string.

How do you convert associative array to string?

Using implode function with associative arrays In simple use, there is no difference in using the implode function with numeric or associative arrays. The implode function will take the array elements and join by the separator to convert into a string. The sequence will remain the same as it was created in the array.

Can you delete elements from an associative array?

Answer: Use the PHP unset() Function If you want to delete an element from an array you can simply use the unset() function. The following example shows how to delete an element from an associative array and numeric array.

You can use http_build_query() to do that.

Generates a URL-encoded query string from the associative (or indexed) array provided.

If you're not concerned about the exact formatting however you do want something simple but without the line breaks of print_r you can also use json_encode($value) for a quick and simple formatted output. (note it works well on other data types too)

$str = json_encode($arr);

As an aside, I was in search to find the best way to implode an associative array but using my own seperators etc...

So I did this using PHP's array_walk() function to let me join an associative array into a list of parameters that could then be applied to a HTML tag....

// Create Params Array
$p = Array("id"=>"blar","class"=>"myclass","onclick"=>"myJavascriptFunc()");

// Join Params
array_walk($p, create_function('&$i,$k','$i=" $k=\"$i\"";'));
$p_string = implode($p,"");

// Now use $p_string for your html tag

Obviously, you could stick that in your own function somehow but it gives you an idea of how you can join an associative array using your own method. Hope that helps someone :)

One way is using print_r(array, true) and it will return string representation of array