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Fastest way to find a String into an array of string

The script has to verify if one predefined IP is present in a big array of IPs. Currently I code that function like this (saying that "ips" is my array of IP and "ip" is the predefined ip)

ips.each do |existsip|
  if ip == existsip
    puts "ip exists"
    return 1
puts "ip doesn't exist"
return nil

Is there a faster way to do the same thing?

Edit : I might have wrongly expressed myself. I can do array.include? but what I'd like to know is : Is array.include? the method that will give me the fastest result?

like image 522
Cocotton Avatar asked Feb 16 '12 15:02


2 Answers

You can use Set. It is implemented on top of Hash and will be faster for big datasets - O(1).

require 'set'
s = Set.new ['', '']
# => #<Set: {"", ""}> 
s.include? ''
# => true 
like image 196
Aliaksei Kliuchnikau Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10

Aliaksei Kliuchnikau

You could use the Array#include method to return you a true/false.


if ips.include?(ip) #=> true
  puts 'ip exists'
  puts 'ip  doesn\'t exist'
like image 27
ericraio Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10
