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Fastest way to convert key value pairs to grouped by key objects map using java 8 stream


public class AgencyMapping {
    private Integer agencyId;
    private String scoreKey;

public class AgencyInfo {
    private Integer agencyId;
    private Set<String> scoreKeys;

My code:

List<AgencyMapping> agencyMappings;
 Map<Integer, AgencyInfo> agencyInfoByAgencyId = agencyMappings.stream()
                    collectingAndThen(toSet(), e -> e.stream().map(AgencyMapping::getScoreKey).collect(toSet()))))
            .entrySet().stream().map(e -> new AgencyInfo(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(AgencyInfo::getAgencyId, identity()));

Is there a way to get the same result and use more simpler code and faster?

like image 657
Jack Avatar asked Mar 25 '18 14:03


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1 Answers

You can simplify the call to collectingAndThen(toSet(), e -> e.stream().map(AgencyMapping::getScoreKey).collect(toSet())))) with a call to mapping(AgencyMapping::getScoreKey, toSet()).

Map<Integer, AgencyInfo> resultSet = agencyMappings.stream()
                        mapping(AgencyMapping::getScoreKey, toSet())))
                .map(e -> new AgencyInfo(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))
                .collect(toMap(AgencyInfo::getAgencyId, identity()));

A different way to see it using a toMap collector:

Map<Integer, AgencyInfo> resultSet = agencyMappings.stream()
                .collect(toMap(AgencyMapping::getAgencyId, // key extractor
                        e -> new HashSet<>(singleton(e.getScoreKey())), // value extractor
                        (left, right) -> { // a merge function, used to resolve collisions between values associated with the same key
                            return left;
                .map(e -> new AgencyInfo(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))
                .collect(toMap(AgencyInfo::getAgencyId, identity()));

The latter example is arguably more complicated than the former. Nevertheless, your approach is pretty much the way to go apart from using mapping as opposed to collectingAndThen as mentioned above.

Apart from that, I don't see anything else you can simplify with the code shown.

As for faster code, if you're suggesting that your current approach is slow in performance then you may want to read the answers here that speak about when you should consider going parallel.

like image 165
Ousmane D. Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10

Ousmane D.