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Fastest Way merge two SQLITE Databases




I have 3 SQLite DBs, each having exactly the same set of 7 tables with respect to table structure. [They are Log Dumps from 3 different Machines].

I want to combine them into one SQLite DB, having those very same 7 tables, but each table should have the combined data from all the three DBs. since I want to run queries across the 3 of them. What is the best, fastest way to do it.

like image 494
subiet Avatar asked Feb 19 '12 13:02


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2 Answers

here is one way to merge two database with all tables of the same structure. I hope it could help.

import sqlite3
con3 = sqlite3.connect("combine.db")

con3.execute("ATTACH 'results_a.db' as dba")

for row in con3.execute("SELECT * FROM dba.sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"):
    combine = "INSERT INTO "+ row[1] + " SELECT * FROM dba." + row[1]
con3.execute("detach database dba")
like image 137
cheng chen Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

cheng chen

Export each database to an SQL dump and then import the dumps into your new combined database.

For GUIs have a look at http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=ManagementTools

For example, with SQLiteStudio that will be Database > Export the database: Export format: SQL > Done.

With the command line sqlite utility (available in linux repos and often already present ootb) you can create a dump with these steps:

# starts the interactive prompt
sqlite3 my_database.sqlite

sqlite> .output my_dump.sql
sqlite> .exit

To import a dump file from the interactive prompt:

sqlite> .read export.sqlite3.sql

You can also import directly from shell:

cat my_dump.sql | sqlite3 my_database.sqlite
like image 21
ccpizza Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
