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Faster way to move memory page than mremap()?






I've been experimenting with mremap(). I'd like to be able to move virtual memory pages around at high speeds. At least higher speeds than copying them. I have some ideas for algorithms which could make use of being able to move memory pages really fast. Problem is that the program below shows that mremap() is very slow -- at least on my i7 laptop -- compared to actually copying the same memory pages byte by byte.

How does the test source code work? mmap() 256 MB of RAM which is bigger than the on-CPU caches. Iterate for 200,000 times. On each iteration swap two random memory pages using a particular swap method. Run once and time using the mremap()-based page swap method. Run again and time using the byte-by-byte copy swap methed. Turns out that mremap() only manages 71,577 page swaps per second, whereas the byte-by-byte copy manages a whopping 287,879 page swaps per second. So mremap() is 4 times slower than a byte by byte copy!


Why is mremap() so slow?

Is there another user-land or kernel-land callable page mapping manipulation API which might be faster?

Is there another user-land or kernel-land callable page mapping manipulation API allowing multiple, non-consecutive pages to be remapped in one call?

Are there any kernel extensions that support this sort of thing?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define __USE_GNU
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <asm/ldt.h>
#include <asm/unistd.h>    

// gcc mremap.c && perl -MTime::HiRes -e '$t1=Time::HiRes::time;system(q[TEST_MREMAP=1 ./a.out]);$t2=Time::HiRes::time;printf qq[%u per second\n],(1/($t2-$t1))*200_000;'
// page size = 4096
// allocating 256 MB
// before 0x7f8e060bd000=0
// before 0x7f8e060be000=1
// before 0x7f8e160bd000
// after  0x7f8e060bd000=41
// after  0x7f8e060be000=228
// 71577 per second

// gcc mremap.c && perl -MTime::HiRes -e '$t1=Time::HiRes::time;system(q[TEST_COPY=1 ./a.out]);$t2=Time::HiRes::time;printf qq[%u per second\n],(1/($t2-$t1))*200_000;'
// page size = 4096
// allocating 256 MB
// before 0x7f1a9efa5000=0
// before 0x7f1a9efa6000=1
// before 0x7f1aaefa5000
// sizeof(i)=8
// after  0x7f1a9efa5000=41
// after  0x7f1a9efa6000=228
// 287879 per second

// gcc mremap.c && perl -MTime::HiRes -e '$t1=Time::HiRes::time;system(q[TEST_MEMCPY=1 ./a.out]);$t2=Time::HiRes::time;printf qq[%u per second\n],(1/($t2-$t1))*200_000;'
// page size = 4096
// allocating 256 MB
// before 0x7faf7c979000=0
// before 0x7faf7c97a000=1
// before 0x7faf8c979000
// sizeof(i)=8
// after  0x7faf7c979000=41
// after  0x7faf7c97a000=228
// 441911 per second

 * Algorithm:
 * - Allocate 256 MB of memory
 * - loop 200,000 times
 *   - swap a random 4k block for a random 4k block
 * Run the test twice; once for swapping using page table, once for swapping using CPU copying!

#define PAGES (1024*64)

int main() {
    int PAGE_SIZE = getpagesize();
    char* m = NULL;
    unsigned char* p[PAGES];
    void* t;

    printf("page size = %d\n", PAGE_SIZE);

    printf("allocating %u MB\n", PAGE_SIZE*PAGES / 1024 / 1024);
    m = (char*)mmap(0, PAGE_SIZE*(1+PAGES), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED  | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    t = &m[PAGES*PAGE_SIZE];
        unsigned long i;
        for (i=0; i<PAGES; i++) {
            p[i] = &m[i*PAGE_SIZE];
            memset(p[i], i & 255, PAGE_SIZE);

    printf("before %p=%u\n", p[0], p[0][0]);
    printf("before %p=%u\n", p[1], p[1][0]);
    printf("before %p\n", t);

    if (getenv("TEST_MREMAP")) {
        unsigned i;
        for (i=0; i<200001; i++) {
            unsigned p1 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned p2 = random() % PAGES;
    //      mremap(void *old_address, size_t old_size, size_t new_size,int flags, /* void *new_address */);
            mremap(p[p2], PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE, MREMAP_FIXED | MREMAP_MAYMOVE, t    );
            mremap(p[p1], PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE, MREMAP_FIXED | MREMAP_MAYMOVE, p[p2]);
            mremap(t    , PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE, MREMAP_FIXED | MREMAP_MAYMOVE, p[p1]); // p3 no longer exists after this!
        } /* for() */
    else if (getenv("TEST_MEMCPY")) {
        unsigned long * pu[PAGES];
        unsigned long   i;
        for (i=0; i<PAGES; i++) {
            pu[i] = (unsigned long *)p[i];
        printf("sizeof(i)=%lu\n", sizeof(i));
        for (i=0; i<200001; i++) {
            unsigned p1 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned p2 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned long * pa = pu[p1];
            unsigned long * pb = pu[p2];
            unsigned char t[PAGE_SIZE];
            //memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
            memcpy(t , pb, PAGE_SIZE);
            memcpy(pb, pa, PAGE_SIZE);
            memcpy(pa, t , PAGE_SIZE);
        } /* for() */
    else if (getenv("TEST_MODIFY_LDT")) {
        unsigned long * pu[PAGES];
        unsigned long   i;
        for (i=0; i<PAGES; i++) {
            pu[i] = (unsigned long *)p[i];
        printf("sizeof(i)=%lu\n", sizeof(i));
        // int modify_ldt(int func, void *ptr, unsigned long bytecount);
        // modify_ldt(int func, void *ptr, unsigned long bytecount);
        // modify_ldt() reads or writes the local descriptor table (ldt) for a process. The ldt is a per-process memory management table used by the i386 processor. For more information on this table, see an Intel 386 processor handbook.
        // When func is 0, modify_ldt() reads the ldt into the memory pointed to by ptr. The number of bytes read is the smaller of bytecount and the actual size of the ldt.
        // When func is 1, modify_ldt() modifies one ldt entry. ptr points to a user_desc structure and bytecount must equal the size of this structure.
        // The user_desc structure is defined in <asm/ldt.h> as:
        // struct user_desc {
        //     unsigned int  entry_number;
        //     unsigned long base_addr;
        //     unsigned int  limit;
        //     unsigned int  seg_32bit:1;
        //     unsigned int  contents:2;
        //     unsigned int  read_exec_only:1;
        //     unsigned int  limit_in_pages:1;
        //     unsigned int  seg_not_present:1;
        //     unsigned int  useable:1;
        // };
        // On success, modify_ldt() returns either the actual number of bytes read (for reading) or 0 (for writing). On failure, modify_ldt() returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the error.
        unsigned char ptr[20000];
        int result;
        result = modify_ldt(0, &ptr[0], sizeof(ptr)); printf("result=%d, errno=%u\n", result, errno);
        result = syscall(__NR_modify_ldt, 0, &ptr[0], sizeof(ptr)); printf("result=%d, errno=%u\n", result, errno);
        // todo: how to get these calls returning a non-zero value?
    else {
        unsigned long * pu[PAGES];
        unsigned long   i;
        for (i=0; i<PAGES; i++) {
            pu[i] = (unsigned long *)p[i];
        printf("sizeof(i)=%lu\n", sizeof(i));
        for (i=0; i<200001; i++) {
            unsigned long j;
            unsigned p1 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned p2 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned long * pa = pu[p1];
            unsigned long * pb = pu[p2];
            unsigned long t;
            for (j=0; j<(4096/8/8); j++) {
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
        } /* for() */

    printf("after  %p=%u\n", p[0], p[0][0]);
    printf("after  %p=%u\n", p[1], p[1][0]);
    return 0;

Update: So that we don't need to question how fast 'round-trip to kernelspace' is, here's a further performance test program that shows that we can call getpid() 3 times in a row, 81,916,192 times per second on the same i7 laptop:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

// gcc getpid.c && perl -MTime::HiRes -e '$t1=Time::HiRes::time;system(q[TEST_COPY=1 ./a.out]);$t2=Time::HiRes::time;printf qq[%u per second\n],(1/($t2-$t1))*100_000_000;'
// running_total=8545800085458
// 81916192 per second

 * Algorithm:
 * - Call getpid() 100 million times.

int main() {
    unsigned i;
    unsigned long running_total = 0;
    for (i=0; i<100000001; i++) {
        /*      123123123 */
        running_total += getpid();
        running_total += getpid();
        running_total += getpid();
    } /* for() */
    printf("running_total=%lu\n", running_total);

Update 2: I added WIP code to call a function I discovered called modify_ldt(). The man page hints that page manipulation might be possible. However, no matter what I try then the function always returns zero when I'm expecting it to return the number of bytes read. 'man modify_ldt' says "On success, modify_ldt() returns either the actual number of bytes read (for reading) or 0 (for writing). On failure, modify_ldt() returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the error." Any ideas (a) whether modify_ldt() will be an alternative to mremap() ? and (b) how to get modify_ldt() working?

like image 865
simonhf Avatar asked Jul 23 '12 22:07


2 Answers

It appears that there is no faster user-land mechanism to re-order memory pages than memcpy(). mremap() is far slower and therefore only useful for re-sizing an area of memory previously assigned using mmap().

But page tables must be extremely fast I hear you saying! And it's possible for user-land to call kernel functions millions of times per second! The following references help explain why mremap() is so slow:

"An Introduction to Intel Memory Management" is a nice introduction to the theory of memory page mapping.

"Key concepts of Intel virtual memory" shows how it all works in more detail, in case you plan on writing your own OS :-)

"Sharing Page Tables in the Linux Kernel" shows some of the difficult Linux memory page mapping architectural decisions and their effect on performance.

Looking at all three references together then we can see that there has been little effort so far from kernel architects to expose memory page mapping to user-land in an efficient way. Even in the kernel, manipulation of the page table must be done by using up to three locks which will be slow.

Going forwards, since the page table itself is made up of 4k pages, it may be possible to change the kernel so that particular page table pages are unique to a particular thread and can be assumed to have lock-less access for the duration of the process. This would facilitate very efficient manipulation of that particular page table page via user-land. But this moves outside the scope of the original question.

like image 57
simonhf Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 01:11


What makes you think mremap could ever be efficient for swapping single 4k pages? At the very least, a round-trip to kernelspace even just to read a single value (like pid) and return it will cost more than moving 4k of data. And that's before we get to the cache invalidation/TLB costs of remapping memory, which I don't understand well enough to address in this answer, but which should have some serious cost.

mremap is useful for basically one thing: implementing realloc for large allocations that were serviced by mmap. And by large, I mean probably at least 100k.

like image 32
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 02:11