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Fast way to quantize numpy vectors

I have a large number of numpy vectors, each of shape (3,) with 8 bit integer values:

vec = np.random.randint(2**8, size=3)

I'd like to quantize those vectors to a smaller space by some known reduction factor. I know I can hammer this out in a series of operations by defining another vector with values that define the amount of information loss, dividing vec by that vector, then cooercing the resulting values back to integers:

>>> vec = np.random.randint(2**8, size=3)
>>> denominator = np.full(3, 8)
>>> divided = vec / denominator
>>> ints = divided.astype(int)
>>> ints *= denominator
>>> vec
array([205, 182,  99])
>>> ints
array([200, 176,  96])

Is there a faster way to quantize these numpy vectors though? I'd be very grateful for any ideas others can share on this question.

like image 290
duhaime Avatar asked Dec 11 '17 22:12


1 Answers

Assuming that your reduction factor is a power of two, the operation you are showing amounts to clearing the last few bits. This can be done in one step using the bitwise and operator &. You can specify the bitmask directly using Python binary literals 0b11111000 or do 256 - denominator. So thanks to numpy broadcasting all you need to do is

vec & (256 - denominator)
like image 184
Paul Panzer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Paul Panzer