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Fast anagram solving

Given two strings, I would like to determine whether or not they are anagrams of one another. Here is the solution that I came up with:

# output messages
def anagram
    puts "Anagram!"

def not_anagram
    puts "Not an anagram!"

# main method
if __FILE__ == $0
   # read two strings from the command line
   first, second = gets.chomp, gets.chomp

   # special case 1
   not_anagram if first.length != second.length

   # special case 2
   anagram if first == second

   # general case
   # Two strings must have the exact same number of characters in the
   # correct case to be anagrams.
   # We can sort both strings and compare the results
   if first.chars.sort.join == second.chars.sort.join

But I am thinking that there is probably a better one. I analyzed the efficiency of this solution, and came up with:

  • chars: splits a string into an array of characters O(n)
  • sort: sorts a string alphabetically, I don't know how sort is implemented in Ruby but I assumed O(n log n) since that is the generally best known sorting efficiency
  • join: builds a string from an array of characters O(n)
  • ==: The string comparison itself will have to examine every character of the strings 2*O(n)

Given the above, I categorized the efficiency of the entire solution as O(n log n) since sorting had the highest efficiency. Is there a better way to do this that is more efficient than O(n log n)?

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Hunter McMillen Avatar asked Mar 12 '13 23:03

Hunter McMillen

People also ask

Is there an anagram solver?

Anagram Solver is a tool used to help players rearrange letters to generate all the possible words from them. You input the letters, and Anagram Maker gives you the edge to win Scrabble, Words With Friends, or any other word game.

Is there an app to solve anagrams?

Android anagram solvers It boasts a library of over 310,000 words with a clean, easy-to-use UI. Additionally, it supports multi-word anagrams, various filters, blank letters for board games, and word definitions as well. There really isn't much else to it. The app is simple, it works well, and it's easy to use.

How can I improve my anagram skills?

To solve anagrams, rearrange the given letters to uncover hidden words or phrases. Try reorganizing the letters into a recognizable pattern or rearrange them into new groupings to give you a fresh perspective. For example, draw a shape, like a circle, and write the letters around it.

1 Answers

Your big O should be O(n*lg(n)) since the sort is the limiting function. If you try it with very big anagrams you will see a loss of performance higher than expected for an O(n) solution.

You can do an O(n) solution by comparing counts in two maps of characters => character counts.

There are definitely other solutions that work with approximately the same complexity but I don't think you can come up with anything faster than O(n)

like image 88
Daniel Williams Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Daniel Williams