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FancyBox close from within iframe and take parent page to the link


I found applying the following function to a links onclose works to close Fancybox from within an iFrame: parent.$.fancybox.close();

I want to take this further and have the link take the parent page to a new url. I've tried the following but it doesn't work:

<a onclick="location.href='http://www.domain.com/page/';parent.$.fancybox.close();"> Close and go to page</a> 

using a href doesn't work either as the onclose takes precedence.

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Mr Jonny Wood Avatar asked Sep 07 '10 16:09

Mr Jonny Wood

2 Answers

Very simple solution... can't believe I didn't think of this!!!

<a href="http://www.domain.com/page/" target="_parent"> Close and go to page</a> 

Sometime, I swear I try to make things more difficult than they actually are!

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Mr Jonny Wood Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

Mr Jonny Wood

You can also do this by writing a function on the parent page:

function closeFancyboxAndRedirectToUrl(url){     $.fancybox.close();     window.location = url; } 

Then on the link within the iframe, you can do this:

<a onclick="parent.closeFancyboxAndRedirectToUrl('http://www.domain.com/page/');">Close and go to page</a> 
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Ryan Kohn Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

Ryan Kohn