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False return of 1 on COUNTA with FILTER

I am trying to make a sheet to count the number of instances of data and certain responses are going to be grouped together. I am having problems coming up with the three formulas correctly. Here are my best guesses along with some English to help clarify what I am trying to accomplish.

//Count all cells that are Warrior or Paladin [Always returns 1, and not zero]
=COUNTA(FILTER(I:I, OR(I:I="Warrior", I:I="Paladin")))

//Count all cells that are Scholar or White Mage [Always returns 1, and not zero]
=COUNTA(FILTER(I:I, OR(I:I="Scholar", I:I="White Mage")))

//Count all cells that are do not all within the first sets of requirements [Always returns 1, not 2]
=COUNTA(FILTER(I:I, NOT(OR(I:I="Warrior", I:I="Paladin", I:I="Scholar", I:I="White Mage"))))

The two cells are Monk and Summoner. Any help would be appreciated

Edit: Here is a sample spreadsheet.

like image 341
Blaze Phoenix Avatar asked Aug 12 '14 04:08

Blaze Phoenix

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1 Answers

At least two issues:

  1. OR can't be iterated over an array in an array expression; you will need to use the + operand instead.

  2. FILTER will return #N/A if there is no output, and COUNTA will count this error value as 1. Hence when 0 is expected, you get 1; use IFERROR to account for this.


=COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(I:I,(I:I="Scholar")+(I:I="White Mage"))))

=COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(I:I,I:I<>"Warrior",I:I<>"Paladin",I:I<>"Scholar",I:I<>"White Mage")))

Alternatives to the first and third formulae that are more easily extendible:


=COUNTA(IFERROR(FILTER(I:I,ISERROR(MATCH(I:I,{"Warrior";"Paladin";"Scholar";"White Mage"},0)))))

like image 58
AdamL Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 20:11
