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Failure: (ID: 838926df) did not find any jar files with a Main-Class manifest entry

when running gcloud app deploy on my spring boot app, this error happens in Cloud Build.

like image 232
notacorn Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 05:03


1 Answers

There can be one or many issues because of which you get this error. For resolution please check below things -

  1. Your app.yaml should have entrypoint and runtime information as below -

    runtime: java11
    entrypoint: java -Xmx64m -jar blahblah.jar

  2. your pom.xml should have appengine maven plugin dependency




  1. don't modify jar if you want to replace any configs use command -
    jar uf blahblah.jar filename.yaml

  2. make sure you have packaging as a jar in pom.xml like this - <packaging>jar</packaging>

like image 90
Indrajeet Patil Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 06:03

Indrajeet Patil