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failing to load log4j2 while running fatjar

i am working on a project where i utilize log4j2 logging. while developing in intellij, all works fine and the logging is done as expected. the log4j2.xml is linked through java property passed to jvm on startup via intellij settings. but once i try to run a standalone gradle built fat-jar, i'm experiencing the following problems:

java -Dlog4j.debug=true -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/home/aaa/log4j2.xml -jar /home/aaa/myjar-SNAPSHOT.jar


ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [d]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [d] starting at position 16 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [thread]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [thread] starting at position 25 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default configuration: logging only errors to the console.

i don't even understand where those [thread]s come from, since i get the same error even while using a basic simplest config in my log4j2:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><Configuration status="WARN" monitorInterval="86400">
    <Console name="console-log" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
                pattern="%-5p %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} ${hostName} %c{1} %msg %throwable{7}%n"/>
    <Root level="info" additivity="false">
        <AppenderRef ref="console-log"/>

any thoughts are welcome. thanks.

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atarno Avatar asked Dec 08 '14 15:12


1 Answers

Kinda late to this party, but I thought I'd add my situation, in case it helps anyone.

I build my own fat jar out of a subset of classes and jars from the larger project. The essential class runs, but I was getting all the "Unrecognized format specifier" and all. Most of the answers involve mvn shade or other such, so that wasn't helping me. But poking around, I learned that log4j-web.jar also includes the Log4jPlugins.dat file, causing the problems. Removing that from the build, and all is good.

(And I thought my build script was so tricky, including all the jars by project name, eg all jars for "log4j.")

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linus Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10
