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Failed to set power on: org.bluez.Error.Blocked problem



Recently I tried to use bluetooth on arch linux. I'm using WM so after installing packages such as:bluez and bluez-utils I ran a command bluetoothctl. Then I tried to run power on but I got an error Failed to set power on: org.bluez.Error.Blocked. I searched on the internet but I only found Failed to set power on: org.bluez.Error.Failed solutions, so it's not what I want.

like image 714
Jasiek Kowalczyk Avatar asked Jan 25 '23 07:01

Jasiek Kowalczyk

2 Answers


rfkill block bluetooth
rfkill unblock bluetooth

and then open bluetoothctl again. If it does't work I would try:

systemctl stop bluetooth.service
systemctl start bluetooth.service
like image 195
Enzo Erbert Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 05:04

Enzo Erbert

In my case the driver was stuck somewhere (Linux 5.16.10 x86_64), the solution was:

# rmmod btusb
# modprobe btusb
# systemctl restart bluetooth
like image 36
2A-66-42 Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 04:04
