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Failed to send direct email message via aws Pinpoint

I am trying to send email message to a specific email address via the aws pinpoint. My from email address is verified. However, whenever I try to send the email it gives me an error "Failed to submit email message to ". I don't understand where am I going wrong with this.

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JSnow Avatar asked Dec 07 '17 13:12


People also ask

How do I send pinpoint SMS?

To send a test SMS messageOpen the Amazon Pinpoint console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/ . On the All projects page, choose the project that you want to send a test message for. In the navigation pane, choose Test messaging. On the Test messaging page, under Channel, choose SMS.

Does AWS pinpoint support MMS?

Changes This release of the Amazon Pinpoint API introduces MMS support for SMS messages. Changes This release of the Amazon Pinpoint API introduces support for integrating recommender models with email, push notification, and SMS message templates.

How do your customers opt to receive messages from you AWS?

When you receive an SMS opt-in request, send the customer a message that asks them to confirm that they want to receive messages from you. Don't send that customer any additional messages until they confirm their subscription.

What is Amazon SES and pinpoint?

You can use Amazon Pinpoint to send push notifications, in-app notifications, emails, text messages, voice messages, and messages over custom channels. It includes segmentation, campaign, and journey features that help you send the right message to the right customer at the right time over the right channel.

2 Answers

@Krishna gave the right clue, however to be precise, all of the following must be true:

  1. Your From email address is verified in Amazon Pinpoint/SES.
  2. Either your To email address(es) is verified, OR you have requested Sending Limit Increase specifically for Amazon Pinpoint, not just SES.

In my case it was problem no. 2, I have increased my sending limit for SES but not Pinpoint yet. Amazon treats them somewhat differently, however the error message it gave me was totally undecipherable:

Message not sent: We weren't able to send your email message to [email protected]. Request Id 982 : Failed to send message.

Specifically, check the Pinpoint project's right sidebar here:

Pinpoint project

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Hendy Irawan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10

Hendy Irawan

By default Pinpoint provides an sandbox environment.

In order to send emails you need to white-list your from email address as well. ( i.e. got to SES and verify the from email id as well)

You should them be able to send emails via Pinpoint.

The receiver should acknowledge to terms and condition that AWS can send automated emails.

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Krishna Prakash Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10

Krishna Prakash