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Failed to find a suitable device for the type IBSimDev

I'm getting the following 2 errors that seem that alternate every time I try to build. I just upgrade my iOS to 12.2 which forced me to upgrade my osx to Mojave 10.14.4 and my xcode to 10.2.

Failed to find or create execution context for description.

Filed to find a suitable device for the type IBSimDeviceTypeiPad2x in Assets.xcassets

This I have tried:

Cleaning Build Folder (repeatedly)

Closing and restarting Xcode and the simulator

Deleting Derived Data

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David Park Avatar asked Apr 08 '19 03:04

David Park

3 Answers

I had faced the same issue my issue resolved by doing:

  • Clean build folder (shift + command + K)
  • Restart your system (Mac)

Note: Also missing simulator after updating to Xcode 10.3 fix by this solution.

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9to5ios Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 21:11


Run this command in the terminal to make sure all simulator process in the background are killed :

sudo killall -9 com.apple.CoreSimulator.CoreSimulatorService
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ezzou Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 20:11


Well I don't know how many other people this is going to help out but here was my issue:

I poked around and finally got another error that said that my simulator runtime is not available. What ended up solving it was simply restarting my macbook found from this thread: The iOS 8.1 simulator runtime is not available error in Xcode 6.1

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David Park Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 21:11

David Park