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Failed to build Xamarin.Android project with "Error XA5209: Unzipping failed"

After updating to el capitan I'm unable to build and run a xamarin.android project any more. I get the following error. All components of selected API level and extras are installed :

/Users/me/.../Project.Android: Error XA5209: Unzipping failed. Please download https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/android_m2repository_r16.zip and extract it to the /Users/me/.local/share/Xamarin/Android.Support.v7.AppCompat/22.2.1/content directory. (XA5209) (MyProject.Android)

Please advise

like image 437
Alexey Strakh Avatar asked Oct 11 '15 02:10

Alexey Strakh

1 Answers

The folder error path was referring to contained the required file android_m2repository_r16.zip but it was corrupted.

The solution is to remove bad file, redownload new one, unpack at the same folder. After that it began to work, build and run.

like image 82
Alexey Strakh Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Alexey Strakh