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Failed to allocate memory: 8

I figured it out. The problem was in the amount of ram I had specified for the virtual machine, and it was 1024MB, now I have 512MB and it is ok, now I need to find how to improve this amount of ram, 512 is not so much, and the machine is a little bit laggy.

Referring to Android: failed to allocate memory and its first comment under accepted answer, changing "1024" to "1024MB" helped me. Pathetic, but works.

In my case:

  • Using built in WXGA720 to simulate 720p device, always got this error
  • Manually set AVD resolution to 720 x 1280, works for me

hope it helps~

Everything else you read here and elsewhere is pure conjecture. The only sure-way to fix this problem is vote for this bug report.

The problem isn't related to emulator resolution or OpenGL, nor how much memory your computer has. I've got 24GB memory in my computer and most of the time I run with hw.ramSize=1024 I get error 8. Other times it works just fine without any configuration changes. I hope you caught that: I did not alter the emulator configuration at all and yet sometimes it runs and sometimes it fails.

There is a high probability it has something to do with memory fragmentation. I recommend reducing the value of hw.ramSize as a temporary workaround.

Works with 512 Mb instead. None of the above methods works for me.

Looks like there are a thousand different fixes for this...none of the above worked for me, but what worked was to launch the AVD from the command line emulator-arm.exe @AVD-NAME

Somehow if launched with only emulator.exe, I would get the same error message than when trying to launch via Eclipse.