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Facebook showing page not found when sharing link

I'm sharing content from a website and every time I paste the link into Facebook it says 'page not found'.

Sometimes it works when I manually add the 'www.' in front of the URL in the address bar.


Shows page not found:


Works when you manually place www. in front:


I honestly have no I idea why it's doing this, any thoughts on how it can be fixed on the web side?


I have tried with the link below with both the www. and without yet it doesn't work with either of them, this is all very strange. This is the only link I have tried and it doesn't work with both:


Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

like image 830
user2968617 Avatar asked Feb 27 '14 18:02


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Why does it say Page Not Found on Facebook?

If you've noticed that your Page isn't appearing in search results on Facebook, make sure that: Your Page doesn't have age or country restrictions. Your Page is published and active. Your Page has a profile picture, cover photo and an action button.

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If you post your website URL too many times in a short period, you might accidentally trigger the Facebook anti-spam algorithm, which could lead to a blocked URL. Or, you might've just gotten blocked through no fault of your own. Facebook's algorithms are not perfect and you can sometimes just be unlucky.

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If the Facebook link preview doesn't display as desired, it may be due to one of the following reasons. Facebook looks for images with Open Graph (og) tags. These will be the ones it displays in the thumbnail. So the issue may be that there's an Open Graph tag missing and the picture doesn't upload.

1 Answers

For those running across this today, you might find that you also need to verify your domain and link it to your page.

To do this you need to

  1. Set up a Facebook Business Account
  2. Add your page to the business account
  3. Verify your domain (using DNS TXT or adding a page facebook gives you)
  4. Under domains, connect your page as an asset of that domain
like image 71
ChrisJ Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 06:10
