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facebook share button with custom title, description, and image [duplicate]




Possible Duplicate:
How does Facebook Sharer select Images?

It looks like that the Facebook support custom title, description, and thumbnail in several ways.

So far, I have found two solutions.

  1. using meta tag

    [meta name="title" content="title" /]
    [meta name="description" content="description" /]
  2. using URL parameters.

    [a href='http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&p[title]=WEB1CHANNEL&p[summary]=Web+Design+Company+in+Dubai.&p[url]=http://www.webchannel.ae&p[images][0]=http://qacode.com/test.jpg']asdfa[/a]

I really like solution #2, but it looks like it is not stable. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Overall, it works anyway.

Is it okay to use solution #2? Is it going to be available in the future?

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Moon Avatar asked Mar 10 '11 08:03


1 Answers

  1. Use Open-Graph Meta Tags to let Facebook get the data you want when scraping the page.
  2. Facebook will not respect the parameters you pass to sharer.php instead it'll try to get the info from the page.
  3. The Like plugin is the way to go and if you really don't have a good reason to use sharer...don't use it!
  4. Check your URL against the Facebook Debbuger to better test your links.
like image 124
ifaour Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09
