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facebook php, how do you use results paging?

Hello i am using the Facebook PHP SDK (v.3.1.1)

I don't understand how to use the results paging url.

I want to get a list of ALL my friends, here is my code

$friends = $fb->api('/me/friends');
$friend == Array
    [data] => Array
    [paging] => Array
        [next] => https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?method=GET&access_token=SOMETHING&limit=5000&offset=5000
if (!empty($friends['paging']['next']))
    $friends2 = $fb->api($friends['paging']['next']);
    //doesn't work
like image 896
max4ever Avatar asked Nov 21 '11 11:11


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Video Answer

1 Answers

All of the previous responses are valid.

Here is the way I do, to get all the "next" result with the Graph API:

Note that I don't get "previous" results.

function FB_GetUserTaggedPhotos($user_id, $fields="source,id") {
    $photos_data = array();
    $offset = 0;
    $limit = 500;

    $data = $GLOBALS["facebook"]->api("/$user_id/photos?limit=$limit&offset=$offset&fields=$fields",'GET');
    $photos_data = array_merge($photos_data, $data["data"]);

    while(in_array("paging", $data) && array_key_exists("next", $data["paging"])) {
        $offset += $limit;
        $data = $GLOBALS["facebook"]->api("/$user_id/photos?limit=$limit&offset=$offset&fields=$fields",'GET');
        $photos_data = array_merge($photos_data, $data["data"]);

    return $photos_data;

You can change the value of $limit as you want, to get less/more data per call.

like image 177
F2000 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
