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Facebook open graph meta tag: fb-admins

I'm going over Facebook's Open Graph API. All of it seems simple and is explained well except for the fb:admins meta tag. What is this for?

For example:

<meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/>

Facebook says this: A comma-separated list of either Facebook user IDs or a Facebook Platform application ID that administers this page. It is valid to include both fb:admins and fb:app_id on your page. I'm just not sure what this is.

I guess it is the combination of the ids that is tripping me up.

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thenengah Avatar asked Jun 20 '11 21:06


People also ask

How do you use meta tags on open graphs?

Just go to Page Settings > Social Image > Upload. If you need to add other OG tags and customize the default settings, go to Page Settings > Advanced > Page Header Code Injection. Read the following section on adding the tags manually and copy-paste the code there.

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Click on 'Social'. Click on the 'Facebook' tab. Toggle the 'Add Open Graph meta data' switch. To enable the feature, toggle the switch to 'On'.

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Open Graph MarkupMost content is shared to Facebook as a URL, so it's important that you mark up your website with Open Graph tags to take control over how your content appears on Facebook. For your website to be shared correctly by our crawler, your server must also use the gzip and deflate encodings.

What is the fb app_id tag?

This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. Including the fb:app_id tag in your HTML HEAD will allow the Facebook scraper to associate the Open Graph entity for that URL with an application. This will allow any admins of that app to view Insights about that URL and any social plugins connected with it.

1 Answers

If you any of the social plugins, fb will look at the fb:admins tag to determine access to admin features directly from your site. For example, if you use the comment box, and you have <meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/> with your fbid, while logged in, it'll give you access to moderate the comment box. At least, thats my understanding

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Amin Eshaq Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 15:10

Amin Eshaq