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Facebook open graph GraphMethodException error code 100

I'm trying to work my way through the Facebook tutorial publish and open graph story for iOS, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/tutorials/ios-sdk-tutorial/publish-open-graph-story/

Step 3 is failing for me. When I use the graph API explorer I get the error

  "error": {
    "message": "Unsupported post request.", 
    "type": "GraphMethodException", 
    "code": 100

I've looked through a bunch of answers on stack overflow relating to this error but none seem to be my problem. I have selected get access token and have publish permissions. The page is not alcohol related and the user page I'm using is not age restricted.

I have selected my application from the top of the page. I have selected post and then entered my story object in the space provided me/gopiratestd:boss

then I add a new field and use the key beat on the left and then the following url on the right. https://hidden-castle-7245.herokuapp.com/opengraphobject.php?fb:app_id=554329451276476&og:type=gopiratestd:boss&og:title= beataboss&og:description=%22Beat%22&og:image=http://images.all-free-download.com/images/graphicmedium/beautiful_cat_picture_6_168770.jpg&body=Beat

Then when I hit submit it returns that error.

Is there anything obvious I'm doing wrong here?

When I use that link in the object debugger it doesn't return any errors.

like image 388
Tiddly Avatar asked Jun 20 '13 09:06


People also ask

How do I fix Error 100 on Facebook?

The Fix. Make sure you're logged into the correct account — the one that is an admin of your Group or Page. If you are logged in correctly, reach out to the Page or Group admin to make sure your permissions are set to Moderator or above.

What does Facebook error code 100 mean?

This error generally happens when you are logged out of your Facebook account, or you do not have permission to publish to the page with the account that you are currently logged into.

What is OAuthException Facebook?

OAuthException: If you receive an OAuthException error, it means that Edgar doesn't have the correct permissions to access your Facebook accounts right now. The password may have been changed on Facebook or Facebook may have reset your security session.

What is Fbtrace_id?

fbtrace_id : Internal support identifier. When reporting a bug related to a Graph API call, include the fbtrace_id to help us find log data for debugging.

2 Answers

Error 100 means that there is a plain syntax error in the URL you are posting to.

I suspect you have a custom graph url set which doesn't match your action - see http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/creating-action-types :

Graph API URL This customizes the exact endpoint used when publishing actions, which by default for custom action types is /me/{app-namespace}:{action-type-name}.

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Reuben Thompson Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09

Reuben Thompson

Your action is beat, your object type is boss so it should be



boss=https://hidden-castle-7245.herokuapp.com/opengraphobject.php?fb:app_id=554329451276476&og:type=gopiratestd:boss&og:title= beataboss&og:description=%22Beat%22&og:image=http://images.all-free-download.com/images/graphicmedium/beautiful_cat_picture_6_168770.jpg&body=Beat

like image 41
phwd Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
