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Facebook multiple og:image tags - Which is Default?

My web site specifies multiple og:image tags, and I'd like to control which one is the default. Does it have something to do with the order in which they're specified?

Right now the images are appearing in the link post selector in the order #3, #1, #2 (#3 being the default), which seems quite unusual.

Thanks for any insights you might have.

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isthmuses Avatar asked Nov 16 '12 21:11


People also ask

How do I add OG tags on Facebook?

Click on 'Social'. Click on the 'Facebook' tab. Toggle the 'Add Open Graph meta data' switch. To enable the feature, toggle the switch to 'On'.

How do you check OG tags?

If you have implemented OG tags in your website and you want to check them. You can go to smallseotools.com and use the OG checker tool. Once you navigate to the website; enter the URL of the website you want the meta og checker tool to check. It will run a check and if it finds the tags it will display them.

What size should Og image be?

The most frequently recommended resolution for an OG image is 1200 pixels x 627 pixels (1.91/1 ratio). At this size, your thumbnail will be big and stand out from the crowd. Just don't exceed the 5MB size limit.

1 Answers

I was curious, so I scoured around trying to find an answer to the "default image" question. This was literally the only link I could find where any research had been done on the matter, where they suggest that higher-res images will receive top priority:

How to set priority order to Open Graph images for links that are inserted in comments. (Not sharing or wall posts.)

However, based on that example, FB might just be picking the last og:image tag on the list. A previous SO answer came to a similar conclusion:

Facebook sharer.php, how to have multiple og:image tags?

I apologize if I answered your question with more questions, but maybe this will give you a good lead, at least. If you add more tags and FB consistently picks the last one, you'll hopefully have your solution. :)

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MadHenchbot Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10
