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Facebook Login not going back to App when migrated to Swift 3

I have created a sample app where User logs in using Facebook Login button.

Once logged in I display User's Name and Email on Login screen. It was working with Swift 2.3. Once I migrated to Swift 3, it stopped working.

  • Step1: Login with Facebook Login Button
  • Step2: Allow permissions for email and profile
  • Step3: Here it should go back to screen 1. But it doesn't. Attaching the Log I get when I click "Ok" button.

Update 1: App runs fine on iOS 9.3. The issue occurs only on iOS 10 devices.

2016-06-19 08:30:09.300070 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_endpoint_handler_start [4 graph.facebook.com:443 initial path (null)]
2016-06-19 08:30:09.300484 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 initial path (null)] reported event path:start
2016-06-19 08:30:09.301255 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 waiting path (satisfied)] reported event path:satisfied
2016-06-19 08:30:09.302664 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] reported event resolver:start_dns
2016-06-19 08:30:09.348956 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_endpoint_resolver_update [4 graph.facebook.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] Adding endpoint handler for
2016-06-19 08:30:09.349570 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] reported event resolver:receive_dns
2016-06-19 08:30:09.350027 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_endpoint_resolver_start_next_child [4 graph.facebook.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] starting child endpoint
2016-06-19 08:30:09.350564 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_host_stats_add_src recv too small, received 24, expected 28
2016-06-19 08:30:09.351022 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_endpoint_resolver_start_next_child [4 graph.facebook.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] starting next child endpoint in 250ms
2016-06-19 08:30:09.351479 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_endpoint_handler_start [4.1 initial path (null)]
2016-06-19 08:30:09.351862 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4.1 initial path (null)] reported event path:start
2016-06-19 08:30:09.352596 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4.1 waiting path (satisfied)] reported event path:satisfied
2016-06-19 08:30:09.352915 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] __nwlog_err_simulate_crash_libsystem libsystem simulate crash unavailable, [libsystem_network.dylib: nw_endpoint_get_hostname :: incorrect endpoint type 1]
2016-06-19 08:30:09.353524 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_endpoint_get_hostname incorrect endpoint type 1, dumping backtrace:
        [x86_64] libnetcore-805.
    0   libsystem_network.dylib             0x000000011186037f __nw_create_backtrace_string + 123
    1   libsystem_network.dylib             0x000000011186246e nw_endpoint_get_hostname + 75
    2   libnetwork.dylib                    0x0000000112bc4be7 nw_endpoint_proxy_handler_should_use_proxy + 125
    3   libnetwork.dylib                    0x0000000112bd204f nw_endpoint_handler_path_change + 1509
    4   libnetwork.dylib                    0x0000000112bd18a2 nw_endpoint_handler_start + 570
    5   libnetwork.dylib                    0x0000000112be8026 nw_endpoint_resolver_start_next_child + 2050
    6   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00000001115b91e8 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
    7   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00000001115e5dee _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    8   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00000001115c0a1d _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 239
    9   libdi
2016-06-19 08:30:09.357989 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4.1 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied)] reported event flow:start_connect
2016-06-19 08:30:09.468327 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_endpoint_flow_protocol_connected [4.1 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied)] Output protocol connected
2016-06-19 08:30:09.469541 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_endpoint_flow_connected_path_change [4.1 ready socket-flow (satisfied)] Connected path is satisfied
2016-06-19 08:30:09.470103 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4.1 ready socket-flow (satisfied)] reported event flow:finish_connect
2016-06-19 08:30:09.470858 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 ready resolver (satisfied)] reported event flow:finish_connect
2016-06-19 08:30:09.471427 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4.1 ready socket-flow (satisfied)] reported event flow:changed_viability
2016-06-19 08:30:09.471870 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 ready resolver (satisfied)] reported event flow:changed_viability
2016-06-19 08:30:09.472479 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_endpoint_start_tls_while_connected [4.1 ready socket-flow (satisfied)]
2016-06-19 08:30:09.473243 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4.1 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied)] reported event flow:start_secondary_connect
2016-06-19 08:30:09.473685 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] reported event flow:start_secondary_connect
2016-06-19 08:30:09.474206 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4.1 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied)] reported event flow:start_connect
2016-06-19 08:30:09.474740 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] reported event flow:start_connect
2016-06-19 08:30:09.475123 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_endpoint_flow_protocol_connected [4.1 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied)] Transport protocol connected
2016-06-19 08:30:09.475502 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4.1 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied)] reported event flow:finish_transport
2016-06-19 08:30:09.475834 MyApp[13942:1214112] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] reported event flow:finish_transport
2016-06-19 08:30:09.586843 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_endpoint_flow_protocol_connected [4.1 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied)] Output protocol connected
2016-06-19 08:30:09.588117 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_endpoint_flow_connected_path_change [4.1 ready socket-flow (satisfied)] Connected path is satisfied
2016-06-19 08:30:09.588724 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4.1 ready socket-flow (satisfied)] reported event flow:finish_connect
2016-06-19 08:30:09.589299 MyApp[13942:1214130] [] nw_connection_endpoint_report [4 graph.facebook.com:443 ready resolver (satisfied)] reported event flow:finish_connect

Here is my Code.


import UIKit
import FBSDKCoreKit
import FBSDKLoginKit
import Firebase

class ViewController: UIViewController, FBSDKLoginButtonDelegate{

    // Properties
    @IBOutlet weak var usernameTextField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var usernameLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var submitButton: UIButton!
    @IBOutlet weak var fbLoginBtn: FBSDKLoginButton!
    var ref:FIRDatabaseReference!

    private let dataurl = "https://project-URL/"

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
        fbLoginBtn.delegate = self
        fbLoginBtn.readPermissions = ["email"]
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    @IBAction func onSubmitBtnPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
        usernameLabel.text = usernameTextField.text;

    func loginButton(_ loginButton: FBSDKLoginButton!, didCompleteWith result: FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult!, error: NSError!) {
        print("User Logged In")

        if ((error) != nil)
            // Process error
        else if result.isCancelled {
            // Handle cancellations
        else {
            // If you ask for multiple permissions at once, you
            // should check if specific permissions missing
            if result.grantedPermissions.contains("email")
                let credential = FIRFacebookAuthProvider.credential(withAccessToken: FBSDKAccessToken.current().tokenString)
                // Do work
                print("logged in ")
                FIRAuth.auth()?.signIn(with: credential, completion: { (user, error) in
                    if (user != nil) {

                        let uid = user?.uid as String!


    func loginButtonDidLogOut(_ loginButton: FBSDKLoginButton!) {
        print("User Logged Out")

    func fetchProfile(_ uid: String) {
        let parameters = ["fields": "email, first_name, last_name, picture.type(large)"]
         var userinfo: [String:String] = [:]
        FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "me", parameters: parameters).start(completionHandler: { (connection, user, requestError) -> Void in

            if requestError != nil {


            userinfo["email"] = user?["email"] as? String
            userinfo["firstname"] = user?["first_name"] as? String
            userinfo["lastname"] = user?["last_name"] as? String


import UIKit
import Firebase
import FirebaseDatabase
import FBSDKCoreKit
import FBSDKLoginKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
        // Override point for customization after application launch.

        // Use Firebase library to configure APIs
        FIRDatabase.database().persistenceEnabled = true
        return FBSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance()
            .application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url:URL,sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool {
        return FBSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance()
            .application(application, open: url,
                         sourceApplication: sourceApplication, annotation: annotation)

    func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
        // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.

Login Screen

Permission Screen

Here didCompleteWith should be called but nothing happens.

like image 829
Gaurav Avatar asked Jun 19 '16 03:06


2 Answers

Facebook docs need to be updated.

For iOS 9+, rather than using:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url:URL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool

You should be using:

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [String : AnyObject] = [:]) -> Bool {
    return FBSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance().application(application,
                                                                 openURL: url,
                                                                 sourceApplication: options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey] as! String,
                                                                 annotation: options [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey])
like image 63
Beau Nouvelle Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 08:11

Beau Nouvelle

Seems like options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey] doesn't work anymore. now you have to do it like this: options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication]

This is what works for me

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {

    return FBSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance()
                                               open: url,
                                  sourceApplication: options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as! String,
                                         annotation: options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey.annotation])
like image 20
Pung Worathiti Manosroi Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 08:11

Pung Worathiti Manosroi