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Facebook JSON badly encoded

I downloaded my Facebook messenger data (in your Facebook account, go to settings, then to Your Facebook information, then Download your information, then create a file with at least the Messages box checked) to do some cool statistics

However there is a small problem with encoding. I'm not sure, but it looks like Facebook used bad encoding for this data. When I open it with text editor I see something like this: Rados\u00c5\u0082aw. When I try to open it with python (UTF-8) I get RadosÅ\x82aw. However I should get: Radosław.

My python script:

text = open(os.path.join(subdir, file), encoding='utf-8') conversations.append(json.load(text)) 

I tried a few most common encodings. Example data is:

{   "sender_name": "Rados\u00c5\u0082aw",   "timestamp": 1524558089,   "content": "No to trzeba ostatnie treningi zrobi\u00c4\u0087 xD",   "type": "Generic" } 
like image 269
Jakub Jendryka Avatar asked Apr 24 '18 18:04

Jakub Jendryka

2 Answers

I can indeed confirm that the Facebook download data is incorrectly encoded; a Mojibake. The original data is UTF-8 encoded but was decoded as Latin -1 instead. I’ll make sure to file a bug report.

In the meantime, you can repair the damage in two ways:

  1. Decode the data as JSON, then re-encode any strings as Latin-1, decode again as UTF-8:

    >>> import json >>> data = r'"Rados\u00c5\u0082aw"' >>> json.loads(data).encode('latin1').decode('utf8') 'Radosław' 
  2. Load the data as binary, replace all \u00hh sequences with the byte the last two hex digits represent, decode as UTF-8 and then decode as JSON:

    import re from functools import partial  fix_mojibake_escapes = partial(      re.compile(rb'\\u00([\da-f]{2})').sub,      lambda m: bytes.fromhex(m.group(1).decode()))  with open(os.path.join(subdir, file), 'rb') as binary_data:     repaired = fix_mojibake_escapes(binary_data.read()) data = json.loads(repaired.decode('utf8')) 

    From your sample data this produces:

    {'content': 'No to trzeba ostatnie treningi zrobić xD',  'sender_name': 'Radosław',  'timestamp': 1524558089,  'type': 'Generic'} 
like image 199
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09

Martijn Pieters

Here is a command-line solution with jq and iconv. Tested on Linux.

cat message_1.json | jq . | iconv -f utf8 -t latin1 > m1.json

like image 31
luksan Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09
