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Facebook , How to get phone number after login with facebook sdk?

I have integrated FB sdk for customer login and not able to get phone number in response. Here is my code

    {fields: "id,email,first_name,gender,name,last_name,token_for_business"},
      function(response) {


With that above code, I am getting all information expect phone number. I have passed extra parameter mobile_phone then getting undefined response. Here is code

    {fields: "id,email,first_name,gender,name,last_name,token_for_business,mobile_phone"},
      function(response) {

I have tried with parameter "user_mobile_phone" also still getting undefined response only

Please help me to resolve this, thanks in advance.

like image 592
Rana Avatar asked Jan 03 '23 01:01


1 Answers

There is no way to get the phone number, those phone permissions do not exist.

There are other threads about this already, for example: Facebook API, Phone Numbers

like image 152
andyrandy Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 15:01
