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Facebook GRAPH API Photo like count without paging

I'm trying to get like counts for FB pictures. The pictures we are counting the likes for are usually VERY popular so have a big amounts of LIKES.

For example, the " 4 more years" obama picture is the "most liked" on facebook with more than 4 million likes.

The problem is that nowhere in the GRAPH API reponse for that picture do we get the count number, I would have to page through the whole four million likes to get the number... its insane.


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            "message": "President Obama is not only a charismatic leader but an obviously passionate man. One can feel the love for his wife through the pic! Amazing",
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            "message": "mukanya mirip gua. Ini foto bikin rekor dunia.",
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            "message": "beda nasib dikit doang kali y... hehehe... :D",
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            "message": "    Its better...ha ha ha ha.",
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            "message": "I am still smiling and happy....such a wonderful day in America.",
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            "message": "Makes me want to throw up. The Muslim and his ..........",
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            "created_time": "2012-11-29T02:17:19+0000",
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            "message": "The clown above me is far below me .",
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            "message": "Sad...Phillip Mason, they have self help tapes, education programs, support groups for uneducated fools such as yourself....",
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               "name": "Romy Christie",
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            "message": "To Barbara J Beverly, I completely agree with you, what a Wonderful day for America, long live President Obama, may his next four years leave him a shining place in history! Great charisma and a great orator, I believe that he is doing his utmost with the heavy burden that was put upon his shoulders when he first began... From Romy, British National, Permanent resident in Tokyo Japan.November 29th2012 instant.",
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               "name": "Steve Muguerza",
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            "message": "Dont worry honey I will do as you say and begin down america with the americas helping me they are so so weak we will just send them a check and keep them down like we keep the blacks down and in their place. Keep them poor and uneducated and teach them to rap.",
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Doing something like adding a paging limit parameter with a ridiculously high value is way too slow... is there a way to get the count number straight up?

like image 319
scoob Avatar asked Jan 18 '13 21:01


2 Answers

You might also try /likes?summary=1 to get the "summary/total_count" added to your result, so



  "data": [
      "id": "100004351206696",
      "name": "Marcos Nones"
      "id": "100002271852907",
      "name": "Kishor Ray"
  "paging": {
    "cursors": {
      "after": "MTU4NTQ1MzczMw==",
      "before": "MTAwMDA0MzUxMjA2Njk2"
    "next": "https://graph.facebook.com/10151255420886749/likes?summary=1&limit=25&after=MTU4NTQ1MzczMw%3D%3D"
  "summary": {
    "total_count": 4434080
like image 175
Gerrit Volkenborn Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 06:12

Gerrit Volkenborn

You can retrieve this information via the photo FQL table:

select like_info from photo where object_id = 10151255420886749;


  "data": [
      "like_info": {
        "can_like": true, 
        "like_count": 4444816, 
        "user_likes": false
like image 41
Igy Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 06:12
