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Facebook Game Requests - Object not owned by the app

I am trying to implement Facebook Game Requests to my Android App.

GameRequestContent.Builder() needs to have .setObjectId() called, to use ActionType.SEND or ActionType.ASKFOR. Where do I get this object?

When I try to create object using Object Manager or Object API I get this error in the Facebook dialog:

Object type 'Game' for ID 'xxxxxxxxxx' is not owned by this app.

Even though I always provide App Access Token in the creation process.

I even tried to set tag fb:app_id of the object to id of my app, but that information wasn't saved without any error messages.

I can't seem to find anyone adressing this topic anywhere in this manner, I mainly don't even understand why Object Id is required in a first place, so perhaps I confused more different topics from Facebook api (its terminology can get very confusing).

What am I doing wrong?

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Punga Avatar asked Aug 24 '16 10:08


People also ask

Where are game requests on Facebook app?

Requests will now be accessed either through your game bookmarks on the left-hand side of your home screen or a link that will appear titled "You Have Game Requests" (pictured above)when you have requests from any of the games you play, according to a post on the Facebook blog.

Can I block game requests on Facebook?

On your Facebook main page, go to the far right at your top menu bar. Click on the dropdown arrow and click on Settings. 2. On the left sidebar, choose Blocking and you will be taken to the Manage blocking section.

How do I send a game request on Facebook Messenger?

All you need to do to challenge a friend to a game is start a conversation by clicking on the name of your friend or pressing the plus '+' icon. In the conversation window, tap the game controller icon below where you enter your message text, then choose the game you want to play.

1 Answers

I am having the same issue.

I just changed my app to live instead of keeping it in debug mode and now it is suddenly working.

I was having the same exact issues you outlined and this worked for me.

I also realized that I changed the object type from game to product. Even with it set to published/live a game object does not work but a product object works.

Also, upon more research https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/opengraph shows object types. There is a game.achievementbut not a game.

There is a product object with a description

This object type represents a product. This includes both virtual and physical products, but it typically represents items that are available in an online store.

Even though the API and graph explorer gives us an ID for the game object it seems like it isn't the proper object to use.

  "created_time": "2016-12-13T19:15:59+0000",
  "title": "Shots",
  "type": "product",
  "data": {
    "is_product_shareable": true
  "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

is the response I get when I do a get on /v2.8/object ID

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Thomas Le Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09

Thomas Le