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Facebook API for Mac Application

I'm developing a Mac application to share the files (video, images) to Facebook using the Facebook API.

In the Facebook SDKs & Tools, I can find only iOS SDK (iPhone & iPad), but not the one specific for Mac application. Does it mean we've to use the iOS SDK for the Mac apps too? If so how can I make use of iOS SDK in Mac application? Actually I tried to use iOS, but it was not successful, and not only that even I had to re-install frameworks which I was using for some other purposes too. The error was related to NSString.

Can anyone advise me in integrating the Facebook API for my Mac application?

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LS Developer Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 18:11

LS Developer

1 Answers

There is one sample code written by someone.I've seen on internet. Here you go


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Rahul Vyas Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 09:11

Rahul Vyas