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Facebook Android sdk throwing missing redirect uri on Authetication

I'm using the Facebook android sdk with my android app. Had everything going fine with my app while developing my dev version. When I finally when to publish my app to the public, the facebook authenication spits a ugly error when people try to authenticate my app:

API Error code: 100
API Error description: Invalid parameter
Error Message: Requires valid redirect URI

Seems like facebook thinks I'm doing a browser redirect to them and missing a redirect uri to return to my app, but I am using the android sdk in which you do not send a redirect uri, you have a callback listener:

facebook.authorize(this, new String[] { "email", "publish_stream" }, new FBLoginDialogListener());

Like i said this all worked fine during development and only showed up after released my prod version, so I have checked both the dev app setup and the prod app setup on fb, and they are both identical.

Anyone else see this issue?

UPDATE: It seems I only get this error when a user accepts allowing to log into my app, but then does not accept my permissions. hmmmmm. Maybe I'm not handling some situation, but the error still makes no sense to me.

like image 861
MattoTodd Avatar asked Oct 11 '11 04:10


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1 Answers

I solved this issue by disabling the Enhanced Auth Dialog in the Advanced Settings of your app on https://developers.facebook.com/apps

Best regards

like image 98
Rutger Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
