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Face tagging information and photo metadata

Is there a standard way to read/write face-tags from/into photo meta-data?

Can I use it to import face-tagging information from popular photo organizers?

like image 205
Yoav Avatar asked Aug 24 '12 20:08


1 Answers


Metadata Working Group (i.e. Adobe, Microsoft, Sony, Nokia, and others) has developed a standard extension of XMP to do that, see Image Region Metadata Section 5.9 in the Metadata Working Group Spec.

Another extension of XMP has been done by Microsoft for Windows Live Photo Gallery and is supported by .NET API. See People Tagging Overview.

Seems like Google Picasa 3.9 reads face tagging from both XMP extensions, but writes only to the one of MWG.

See more:

  • What is the standard for storing face tags and caption?

  • Picasa versus Windows Live Photo Gallery | Geoff Coupe's Blog

  • Picasa 3.9 bugs&questions (photo order upload, nonG+ links and account signing, sore name tags in photo

  • Reading “People Tags” inserted by Windows Live Photo Gallery

like image 56
Yoav Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10
