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Fabric (Crashlytics): Newest build not visible in 'Latest release' section

After the new version (3.5.9) of the app has been in production for couple of days, it is visible in Crashlytics secion of Fabric:

enter image description here

but is not in 'Latest Release':

enter image description here

What's interesting, on the top there is an old version of the app that isn't used that much now.

What could be the reason of such behaviour?

like image 696
Marcin Avatar asked Aug 21 '17 12:08


2 Answers

I've reached out to Fabric support and got an answer:

The Latest Releases page shows all builds that have been used by at least 10% of your Daily Active Users (DAU) on any single day in the past 30 days or at least 4% of DAU on the current day. What's likely happening is that 3.5.9 isn't hitting the criteria just yet.

As a workaround, if you manually add the version and build to the URL i.e. ".../dashboard/latest_release/launch_status?build=3.5.9" you can see the latest release information for that build.

like image 186
Marcin Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 01:11


This might help you, can you see this


like image 24
Nathan Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 23:11
