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f# type provider inheritance


I have designed a simple type provider which provide types depending on my parameter. I would like to know if it is possible to define ProvidedTypeDefinitions that would inherit another ProvidedTypeDefinition?

I know that statically I can do the following :

type People() = class end

type Student() =
    inherit People() 

type Teacher() =
    inherit People()

and then I can pattern match like this using Type Test Pattern:

let f (x:People) =
    match x with
        | :? Student -> "Student"
        | :? Teacher -> "Teacher"
        | _ -> "Nothing !!"

What I would like to do in my Type provider is to create ProvidedTypeDefinitions that inherit another ProvidedTypeDefinition. Such that when I use the type provider to generate those types I can pattern match on them (for instance, I know that at runtime one of this types will be instanciated but I don't know which one except that it is one of the ProvidedTypeDefinitions).

Thank you for your time!