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F# How Async<'T> cancellation works?

I was pretty comfortable with how async cancellations where done in C# with the TPL, but I am a little bit confused in F#. Apparently by calling Async.CancelDefaultToken() is enough to cancel outgoing Async<'T> operations. But they are not cancelled as I expected, they just... vanishes... I cannot detect properly the cancellation and tear down the stack properly.

For example, I have this code that depends on a C# library that uses TPL:

type WebSocketListener with
  member x.AsyncAcceptWebSocket = async {
    let! client = Async.AwaitTask <| x.AcceptWebSocketAsync Async.DefaultCancellationToken
    if(not(isNull client)) then
        return Some client
        return None

let rec AsyncAcceptClients(listener : WebSocketListener) =
  async {
    let! result = listener.AsyncAcceptWebSocket
    match result with
        | None -> printf "Stop accepting clients.\n"
        | Some client ->
            Async.Start <| AsyncAcceptMessages client
            do! AsyncAcceptClients listener

When the CancellationToken passed to x.AcceptWebSocketAsync is cancelled, returns null, and then AsyncAcceptWebSocket method returns None. I can verify this with a breakpoint.

But, AsyncAcceptClients (the caller), never gets that None value, the method just ends, and "Stop accepting clients.\n" is never displayed on the console. If I wrap everything in a try\finally :

let rec AsyncAcceptClients(listener : WebSocketListener) =
  async {
        let! result = listener.AsyncAcceptWebSocket
        match result with
            | None -> printf "Stop accepting clients.\n"
            | Some client ->
                Async.Start <| AsyncAcceptMessages client
                do! AsyncAcceptClients listener
        printf "This message is actually printed"

Then what I put in the finally gets executed when listener.AsyncAcceptWebSocket returns None, but the code I have in the match still doesn't. (Actually, it prints the message on the finally block once for each connected client, so maybe I should move to an iterative approach?)

However, if I use a custom CancellationToken rather than Async.DefaultCancellationToken, everything works as expected, and the "Stop accepting clients.\n" message is print on screen.

What is going on here?

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vtortola Avatar asked Nov 19 '14 16:11


1 Answers

There are two things about the question:

  • First, when a cancellation happens in F#, the AwaitTask does not return null, but instead, the task throws OperationCanceledException exception. So, you do not get back None value, but instead, you get an exception (and then F# also runs your finally block).

    The confusing thing is that cancellation is a special kind of exception that cannot be handled in user code inside the async block - once your computation is cancelled, it cannot be un-cancelled and it will always stop (you can do cleanup in finally). You can workaround this (see this SO answer) but it might cause unexpected things.

  • Second, I would not use default cancellation token - that's shared by all async workflows and so it might do unexpected things. You can instead use Async.CancellationToken which gives you access to a current cancellation token (which F# automatically propagates for you - so you do not have to pass it around by hand as you do in C#).

EDIT: Clarified how F# async handles cancellation exceptions.

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Tomas Petricek Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 15:10

Tomas Petricek