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F# - convert Array to list





I am reading a file into an array like follows (note I know this is bad code):

let filename = if argv.[0] != null then argv.[0] else System.Console.ReadLine()
let data = File.ReadAllLines(filename)

I want to perform an F# map onto the data returned in that above line. My problem is that I can only perform map on n F# list, and not the System.String[] that File.ReadAllLines() returns. Can I convert a standard .Net array into an F# list. I'm sure that I could just read the file differently, or labor through manually copying the array contents to a list, but it would be a lot easier if there was a simple way to do this.

like image 459
James Parsons Avatar asked Dec 01 '15 02:12

James Parsons

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1 Answers

You can use Array.toList to do that.

let data2 = data |> Array.toList

Or you can use List.ofArray

let data2 = data |> List.ofArray

You can also do Array.map instead of List.map and in that case you might not need to map to list at all.

like image 61
MarcinJuraszek Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
