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Extract one triangle of a correlation matrix with attributes

I have a dataframe/matrix of equal rows and columns. I want to extract only the upper or lower triangle.



From this result, it is not possible to say what combination of column and row the value came from. So, I would like to have the row and column attributes in the results. Something like this:

Col Row Val
B   A   6
C   A   11
C   B   12

I need to do this for a large correlation matrix. Thanks.

like image 886
rmf Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 13:08


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The set of all possible variances and covariances between velocities in the three Cartesian directions, defined for a specified statistical order or moment. For example, the second moment correlation triangle is. where squared quantities are velocity variances and the other terms are covariances.

What is upper triangular correlation matrix?

the upper triangular of a matrix is the top right triangle, in this case we are masking out the upper triangle of the matrix and just showing the lower triangle part of it. This is because a correlation matrix is symmetric.

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Method 1: Creating a correlation matrix using Numpy libraryNumpy library make use of corrcoef() function that returns a matrix of 2×2. The matrix consists of correlations of x with x (0,0), x with y (0,1), y with x (1,0) and y with y (1,1).

3 Answers

I'd just use which with arr.ind = TRUE like this:

ind <- which( upper.tri(x,diag=F) , arr.ind = TRUE )

data.frame( col = dimnames(x)[[2]][ind[,2]] ,
            row = dimnames(x)[[1]][ind[,1]] ,
            val = x[ ind ] )

   col row val
1    B   A   6
2    C   A  11
3    C   B  12
4    D   A  16
5    D   B  17
6    D   C  18
7    E   A  21
8    E   B  22
9    E   C  23
10   E   D  24
like image 145
Simon O'Hanlon Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 14:10

Simon O'Hanlon

First, to make things unambiguous, I change

colnames(x) <- LETTERS[6:10]

Use expand.grid to get the row and column names like this

rowCol <- expand.grid(rownames(x), colnames(x))

To get the correct rows from this data frame, take

labs <- rowCol[as.vector(upper.tri(x,diag=F)),]
df <- cbind(labs, x[upper.tri(x,diag=F)])
colnames(df) <- c("Row","Col","Val")
##    Col Row Val
## 6    G   A   6
## 11   H   A  11
## ...
like image 27
James Pringle Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 14:10

James Pringle

... this might be a solution

nam <-apply(ind, 2, function(y, x) rownames(x)[c(y)], x=x)   
cbind(nam, x[upper.tri(x,diag=F)])


like image 1
holzben Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 13:10
