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Extract Decimal from Decimal128 with Mongoose - MongoDB

I'm querying Mongo in Nodejs with Mongoose and attempting to extract the numeric value of multiple fields stored as a Decimal128. However, the value is oddly wrapped in query results and I'm not sure how to extract it through Mongo or Mongoose:

  "date": {
          "$numberDecimal": "1530057600000"
  "open": {
          "$numberDecimal": "86.13"
  "high": {
          "$numberDecimal": "86.63"
  "low": {
          "$numberDecimal": "85.47"
  "close": {
          "$numberDecimal": "85.64"
  "volume": {
          "$numberDecimal": "308508"

Is there a way I can use Mongo or Mongoose to convert the above JSON query-result into what's below?

  "date": 1530057600000
  "open": 86.13
  "high": 86.63
  "low": 85.47
  "close": 85.64
  "volume": 308508

I tried selecting the fields as follows ,but this didn't work.


Here's my Mongoose schema:

Folder - Model - Stock.js

const mongoose = require('mongoose')
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise

const childSchemaData = new mongoose.Schema({
  "_id": false,
  date: {type: mongoose.Types.Decimal128},
  open: {type: mongoose.Types.Decimal128},
  high: {type: mongoose.Types.Decimal128},
  low: {type: mongoose.Types.Decimal128},
  close: {type: mongoose.Types.Decimal128},
  volume: {type: mongoose.Types.Decimal128}

const parentSchemaSymbol = new mongoose.Schema({
  "_id": false,
  symbol: {
    type: String,
    trim: true,
    minlength: 2,
    maxlength: 4,
    uppercase: true,
    required: 'Plese enter a valid symbol, min 2 characters and max 4'
  // Array of subdocuments
  data: [childSchemaData],
  slug: String


module.exports = mongoose.model('Stock', parentSchemaSymbol)


const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const parentSchemaSymbol = mongoose.model('Stock')

exports.dbFetch = (req, res) => {
  let curValueDbFetch = req.params.symbol

  const query = { symbol: `${curValueDbFetch}` }
  const projection = { _id: 0, data: 1 }

  parentSchemaSymbol.findOne(query, projection).then(doc => {
    return res.send(doc)
  }).catch(e => {

I am sending the data to the front end and this is what I am receiving in the browser:

enter image description here


const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const parentSchemaSymbol = mongoose.model('Stock')

exports.dbFetch = (req, res) => {
  let curValueDbFetch = req.params.symbol

  const query = { symbol: `${curValueDbFetch}` }
  const projection = { _id: 0, data: 1 }

  parentSchemaSymbol.findOne(query, projection).sort({ date: -1 }).then(doc => {
    let chartData = doc.data.map(item => {
      return {
        date: parseFloat(item.date), // the date
        open: parseFloat(item.open), // open
        high: parseFloat(item.high), // high
        low: parseFloat(item.low), // low
        close: parseFloat(item.close), // close
        volume: parseFloat(item.volume)// volume
    .catch(e => {
like image 289
John John Avatar asked Nov 19 '18 06:11

John John

2 Answers

Method 1: .

use toString(). It will convert the object to string.

find((docs) => {
   let result = docs.map((doc) => {
          doc.open = doc.open.toString();

          doc.close = doc.close.toString();

       return doc;  

    //send modified output

output as follows:-

    "open":  "86.13",
    "close": "85.64"

Method 2: Mongodb 4.0 above,


  { $addFields : {
        open: {"$toString" : "$open"},
        close : {"$toString" : "$close"},
like image 130
DhineshYes Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10


This will work with any field!

It supports subdocument and arrays of subdocuments too

const MySchema = new Schema({/*... schema fields ...*/});

const decimal2JSON = (v, i, prev) => {
  if (v !== null && typeof v === 'object') {
    if (v.constructor.name === 'Decimal128')
      prev[i] = v.toString();
      Object.entries(v).forEach(([key, value]) => decimal2JSON(value, key, prev ? prev[i] : v));

MySchema.set('toJSON', {
  transform: (doc, ret) => {
    return ret;

mongoose.model('MyModel', MySchema);


MyModel.findOne().then(data => console.log(data.toJSON());
like image 24
Moshe Quantz Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10

Moshe Quantz