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Extract a part of the filepath (a directory) in Python

import os
## first file in current dir (with full path)
file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.listdir(os.getcwd())[0])
os.path.dirname(file) ## directory of file
os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(file)) ## directory of directory of file

And you can continue doing this as many times as necessary...

Edit: from os.path, you can use either os.path.split or os.path.basename:

dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(file)) ## dir of dir of file
## once you're at the directory level you want, with the desired directory as the final path node:
dirname1 = os.path.basename(dir) 
dirname2 = os.path.split(dir)[1] ## if you look at the documentation, this is exactly what os.path.basename does.

For Python 3.4+, try the pathlib module:

>>> from pathlib import Path

>>> p = Path('C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe')

>>> str(p.parent)
'C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer'

>>> p.name

>>> p.suffix

>>> p.parts
('C:\\', 'Program Files', 'Internet Explorer', 'iexplore.exe')

>>> p.relative_to('C:\\Program Files')
WindowsPath('Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe')

>>> p.exists()

All you need is parent part if you use pathlib.

from pathlib import Path
p = Path(r'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe')

Will output:

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer    

Case you need all parts (already covered in other answers) use parts:

p = Path(r'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe')

Then you will get a list:

('C:\\', 'Program Files', 'Internet Explorer', 'iexplore.exe')

Saves tone of time.

First, see if you have splitunc() as an available function within os.path. The first item returned should be what you want... but I am on Linux and I do not have this function when I import os and try to use it.

Otherwise, one semi-ugly way that gets the job done is to use:

>>> pathname = "\\C:\\mystuff\\project\\file.py"
>>> pathname
>>> print pathname
>>> "\\".join(pathname.split('\\')[:-2])
>>> "\\".join(pathname.split('\\')[:-1])

which shows retrieving the directory just above the file, and the directory just above that.

import os

directory = os.path.abspath('\\') # root directory
print(directory) # e.g. 'C:\'

directory = os.path.abspath('.') # current directory
print(directory) # e.g. 'C:\Users\User\Desktop'

parent_directory, directory_name = os.path.split(directory)
print(directory_name) # e.g. 'Desktop'
parent_parent_directory, parent_directory_name = os.path.split(parent_directory)
print(parent_directory_name) # e.g. 'User'

This should also do the trick.

This is what I did to extract the piece of the directory:

for path in file_list:
  directories = path.rsplit('\\')
  line_replace_add_directory = line_replace+directories[2]

Thank you for your help.