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Extra blank line displayed from <para></para> and <para /> in VS2015CE, can't get rid of it

When I use <para></para> tag in documentation (in form of <para /> as well) in Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, I'm getting an extra blank line displayed in IntelliSense tooltip (the one which appears when typing in member name).

I've tried many variants, including but not limited to listed in the following example:

public interface IFooBar {
    void Foo();
    void Bar();
    ///<summary>foo<para />bar<para />baz</summary>
    void Baz();
    ///<summary>foo<para />
    ///<para />baz
    void Qux();    

but still it appears, and it is infuriating. Please, if anyone knows how to get rid of it, help me.

UPDATE (image uploaded)


UPDATE 2 (disambiguation with XML multiline comments in C# - what am I doing wrong?)

The question is NOT about getting new lines in XML comments, which I know how to obtain. It is about getting rid of extra new lines while using <para /> tag.

like image 812
Aleksei Omelaienko Avatar asked Jan 04 '16 19:01

Aleksei Omelaienko

1 Answers

After all, it seems that there's no way to get rid of extra blank line rendered by Visual Studio when using any form of <para /> tag.

Furthermore, there seems to be no way of adding a simple line break. No, HTML tags don't work. No, &10; and &13; are not working either.

So, it basically boils down to this: either no line breaks at all, or extra line breaks.

like image 105
Aleksei Omelaienko Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11

Aleksei Omelaienko