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Extjs unpress button




I have an ExtJS button like this:

new Ext.SplitButton({
    text: 'Index',
    iconCls: 'index',
    scale: 'large',
    iconAlign: 'left',
    cls: 'header-item',
    handler: leftPanelNav, // handle a click on the button itself
    menu: new Ext.menu.Menu({
        items: [
            // these items will render as dropdown
            // menu items when the arrow is clicked:
            {text: 'Item 1'},
            {text: 'Item 2'}

His state will be pressed at a time and I want to know how can I unpress it when I want to from script.

Thank you.

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Manny Calavera Avatar asked Sep 17 '09 00:09

Manny Calavera

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1 Answers

Call toggle() on the button:

http://www.extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/output/Ext.SplitButton.html (dead link)


If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled.

like image 161
Ates Goral Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Ates Goral