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Extjs: Tree, Selecting node after creating the tree

I have a simple TreePanel. I would like to select a particular node upon loading it. The nodes are from a remote file (json).

The tree is loading as expected. However, the node is not being selected. Firebug shows node as undefined. This perhaps because of the async property. But, I an unable to configure this other wise, or specify the node be selected.

Any suggestions welcomed, and thank you.

    LeftMenuTree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
    renderTo: 'TreeMenu',
    collapsible: false,
    height: 450,
    border: false,
    userArrows: true,
    animate: true,
    autoScroll: true,
    id: 'testtest',
    dataUrl: fileName,
    root: {
  nodeType: 'async',    
       text: rootText
    listeners: {
        "click": {
    fn: onPoseClick,
                 scope: this
          "afterrender": {
       fn: setNode,
       scope: this 
function setNode(){
 alert (SelectedNode);
  if (SelectedNode == "Orders"){
    var treepanel = Ext.getCmp('testtest');
    var node = treepanel.getNodeById("PendingItems");
like image 315
Natkeeran Avatar asked Apr 12 '10 15:04


2 Answers

I use this code in the TreeGrid to select a node


I haven't tried this in a TreePanel but since the TreeGrid is based on it I'll just assume this works. I used the load event of the loader to plugin similar code after the XHR request was done, so try to write your setNode function like this:

var loader = LeftMenuTree.getLoader();
loader.on("load", setNode);    
function setNode(){
     alert (SelectedNode);
      if (SelectedNode == "Orders"){
        var treepanel = Ext.getCmp('testtest');
like image 133
SBUJOLD Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10


this work for me...

var loader  = Ext.getCmp('testtest').getLoader();
loader.on("load", function(a,b,c){ 
   b.findChild("id",1, true).select(); // can find by any parameter in the json
like image 36
XavierG. Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10
