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Extjs combobox autocomplete doesn't work

I have an editor grid and a combobox is one of its fields. The combobox uses a json store. Here is the combobox code:

var patternCmb = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ //combobox for workers
    store:  dsPatterns,
    valueField: 'pid',
    displayField: 'pname',
    minChars: 2, 
    valueNotFoundText:"not found",
    editable: true,
    triggerAction: 'all' 

After typing the third character the FIRST (not correct) value of the store is selected. What can be the problem?

like image 515
lvil Avatar asked Oct 12 '22 07:10


1 Answers

Try the following:

  1. Set mode: 'local' in your combobox.
  2. Ensure that you have autoLoad: true in your dsPatterns (store).
like image 73
Abdel Raoof Olakara Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10

Abdel Raoof Olakara