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ExtJs Calendar Documentation or some example code? [closed]

I have included the necessary files for the ExtJs calendar. However I'm having difficulty finding documentation or an example on how to use the calendar. I have looked into the example on the Ext website itself and I still can't seem to grasp it. If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great?

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shane87 Avatar asked Feb 26 '23 02:02


2 Answers

There's a list of demo's on the original project's site (from which ExtJS took the core calendar component):


Maybe that will help get you going.

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JamesHalsall Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 22:03


Please take a look at these links:

  1. Ext JS Calendar plugin
  2. Calendar support forum
  3. Installing Extensible Calendar Pro with ExtJS
  4. Ext JS Calendar agenda view with interesting demo (examples folder)
  5. More examples with custom features
  6. http://www.teamup.com/products-1/live-demo.html
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Stanislav Ostapenko Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 23:03

Stanislav Ostapenko