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External variable in awk


I have a script, in which a script snippet is:

awk '$2=$x{print $1}' infile

The external variable is x,

but it prompts an error in awk

So in this situation, how to make awk run successfully?

like image 454
wenzi Avatar asked Nov 19 '12 17:11


4 Answers

You pass an external variable for use in awk with the -v option:

awk -v x=$some_variable '$2 == x {print $1}' infile

Also note that you need to change your code from $2=$x to $2 == x

  • Use == instead =: the latter is assignment
  • Do not prefix normal variables with $ inside the awk script.

Aside: You need to specify one -v for each variable you want to pass in, e.g:

awk -v x=$var1 -v y=$var2 '$2 == x {print y " " $1}' infile
like image 97
sampson-chen Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 10:12


awk has a -v option for this purpose, or as @nevelis mentions, just use double quotes:

awk -v x=3 ' $2==x {print $1} '
like image 44
twalberg Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 09:12


GAWK also supports the following syntax:

awk '$2 == x {print $1}' x=3 infile

An interesting usage is:

awk '$2 == x {print $1}' x=3 infile1 x=10 infile2

in this case x will be equal to 3 for infile1 and equal to 10 for infile2

like image 41
Nik O'Lai Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 11:12

Nik O'Lai

set -a    
awk '$2==ENVIRON["x"]{print $1}' infile
like image 40
Zombo Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 09:12
