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External properties file in grails 3



I need read configuration from a external file properties in grails 3. In grails 2.x I link the file with:

grails.config.locations = ["classpath:config.properties"]

In the config.groovy, but this file do not exists in grails 3.

Have you any idea for solve?

like image 793
José Fernando Silva Avatar asked Mar 29 '15 23:03

José Fernando Silva

1 Answers

Take a look at https://gist.github.com/reduardo7/d14ea1cd09108425e0f5ecc8d3d7fca0

External configuration in Grails 3

Working on Grails 3 I realized that I no longer can specify external configuration using the standard grails.config.locations property in Config.groovy file.

Reason is obvious! There is no Config.groovy now in Grails 3. Instead we now use application.yml to configure the properties. However, you can't specify the external configuration using this file too!

What the hack?

Now Grails 3 uses Spring's property source concept. To enable external config file to work we need to do something extra now.

Suppose I want to override some properties in application.yml file with my external configuration file.

E.g., from this:

    username: sa
    driverClassName: "org.h2.Driver"

To this:

  username: root
  password: mysql
  driverClassName: "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"

First I need to place this file in application's root. E.g., I've following structure of my Grails 3 application with external configuration file app-config.yml in place:

[human@machine tmp]$ tree -L 1 myapp
├── app-config.yml // <---- external configuration file!
├── build.gradle
├── gradle
├── gradle.properties
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
├── grails-app
└── src

Now, to enable reading this file just add following:

To your build.gradle file

bootRun {
  // local.config.location is just a random name. You can use yours.
  jvmArgs = ['-Dlocal.config.location=app-config.yml']

To your Application.groovy file

package com.mycompany

import grails.boot.GrailsApp
import grails.boot.config.GrailsAutoConfiguration
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.YamlPropertiesFactoryBean
import org.springframework.context.EnvironmentAware
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertiesPropertySource
import org.springframework.core.io.FileSystemResource
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource
class Application extends GrailsAutoConfiguration implements EnvironmentAware {
    public final static String LOCAL_CONFIG_LOCATION = "local.config.location"

    static void main(String[] args) {
        GrailsApp.run(Application, args)

    void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
        String configPath = System.properties[LOCAL_CONFIG_LOCATION]

        if (!configPath) {
           throw new RuntimeException("Local configuration location variable is required: " + LOCAL_CONFIG_LOCATION)

        File configFile = new File(configPath)
        if (!configFile.exists()) {
           throw new RuntimeException("Configuration file is required: " + configPath)

        Resource resourceConfig = new FileSystemResource(configPath)
        YamlPropertiesFactoryBean ypfb = new YamlPropertiesFactoryBean()
        ypfb.setResources([resourceConfig] as Resource[])
        Properties properties = ypfb.getObject()
        environment.propertySources.addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource(LOCAL_CONFIG_LOCATION, properties))

Notice that Application class implements EnvironmentAware Interface and overrides its setEnvironment(Environment environment):void method.

Now this is all what you need to re-enable external config file in Grails 3 application.

Code and guidance is taken from following links with little modification:

  1. http://grails.1312388.n4.nabble.com/Grails-3-External-config-td4658823.html
  2. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/grails-dev-discuss/_5VtFz4SpDY

Source: https://gist.github.com/ManvendraSK/8b166b47514ca817d36e

like image 79
Eduardo Cuomo Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10

Eduardo Cuomo