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External memory data structure to replace vector of maps

I'm doing an iterative computation on a flow network during which I need to record how much each source contributes to the flow on each edge. The flow on any one edge is due to 2% of the sources on average, so I define vector< map<int, double> > flow, where flow[e][s] = f means that the flow on edge e due to source s is f. At each iteration, every f in flow gets updated.

The program's peak memory usage gets close to 4 GB. This works on (32-bit) Linux and OS X, but it crashes on Windows (which seems to impose a 2 GB per process limit).

How can I implement a disk-based data structure with a vector< map<int, double> > interface (or otherwise get around this problem)?

like image 642
zoo Avatar asked Jun 18 '12 16:06


1 Answers

I have used STXXL for similar type scenarios. It might worth looking into.

like image 195
Dan Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 18:10
