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external html template for underscore.js and backbone.js

Can i put my template on a separate .html files and just reference them in my index.html?

index.html :

<script type="text/template" id="item-list" src="item-list-tmpl.html"></script>

item-list-tmpl.html :

<div><%= ItemDescription  %><%= ItemCode %></div>

I tried it but the problem is it doesn't show the template on index.html but it loads on the proper spot (viewed it using firebug)


Found a possible solution but is not recommended for production environment.

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n0minal Avatar asked Mar 23 '12 05:03


2 Answers

Got this from http://coenraets.org/blog/2012/01/backbone-js-lessons-learned-and-improved-sample-app/#comment-35324

Create a separate js file for this and call it before your js files for model,collection and views.

tpl = {

// Hash of preloaded templates for the app

// Recursively pre-load all the templates for the app.
// This implementation should be changed in a production environment. All the template files should be
// concatenated in a single file.
loadTemplates:function (names, callback) {

    var that = this;

    var loadTemplate = function (index) {
        var name = names[index];
        //console.log('Loading template: ' + name);
        $.get('templates/' + name + '.html', function (data) {
            that.templates[name] = data;
            if (index < names.length) {
            } else {


// Get template by name from hash of preloaded templates
get:function (name) {
    return this.templates[name];


After that add this to your router

tpl.loadTemplates(['filename-of-your-external-html-file'], function () {
app = new AppRouter();

That should do it. But again not recommended for production environment as there will be hundreds to get request and may cripple your application.

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n0minal Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09


I wrote a solution for this, using jQuery and a simple TemplateCache object:


And I recently updated the template loading to use a jQuery plugin called TrafficCop: http://lostechies.com/derickbailey/2012/03/20/trafficcop-a-jquery-plugin-to-limit-ajax-requests-for-a-resource/

Hope that helps.

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Derick Bailey Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

Derick Bailey