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Extending Android's Voice Search app



Is it possible to extend the Voice Search app? I know I can add a button in my own app to launch the voice recognition dialog, but I was wondering if I could extend the voice search app that launches automatically when you long press the physical "search" key.

send text to [contact] [message]
listen to [artist/song/album]
call [business]
call [contact]
send email to [contact] [message]
go to [website]
note to self [note]
navigate to [location/business name]
directions to [location/business name]
map of [location]

I'd basically like to add my own action to the above list.

Is this possible or will I have to create my own?

like image 919
Brandon O'Rourke Avatar asked Oct 29 '10 21:10

Brandon O'Rourke

People also ask

How do I fix Voice Search on Android?

Make sure it's plugged in and powered on. Make sure it's connected to the internet and on the same Wi-Fi network as your mobile device. Make sure the microphone is turned on: Speakers (except Google Home), Smart Displays, or Smart Clocks: On the back of your device, make sure the switch for the microphone is turned on.

1 Answers

In a word, no. The app doesn't have the extension points you are looking for. You would have to write your own app entirely, which is something that others have done.

like image 123
Rohan Singh Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Rohan Singh